SIO Murder Game



This game allows you to play the part of a Senior Investigating Officer (SIO) who must control and direct the investigation into a murder case. The initial case briefing, team strength and relevant documents for you to complete are supplied for you to download. Once you are ready you purchase the game via the shop and submit your initial decisions as explained below via email to and your investigation begins. To make this experience as realistic as possible the investigation will be led by you and you alone. You submit your decisions, strategy and rationale resulting in these being actioned and the results being returned to you. One email a week for four weeks. If you wish to continue you simply pay another monthly fee and continue to submit your decisions.  Can you solve the case, identify the suspect and gather enough evidence to convict? Enjoy.

The case information below is free please review as you wish. The SIO Game can be purchased via The Games Shop.

Make A Decision

Create The Strategy

Review The Results

about this "GAME"

Have you ever thought "I could solve a murder case?" 


Well, now is your chance.


The Case

This evening a man was found stabbed to death in an alleyway. Who is he? Why was he killed? Who did it?

You are the SIO let the investigation begin......

Initial Information

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